Agrimony – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKey word- Inner Harmony Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be. Those in need of Agrimony have much inner anxiety and turmoil that they cover up with a smile and a laugh when in the company of others. They are so successful at this that they appear to be ‘the life & soul of the party’ without a care in the world. Their sensitivity and dislike of discord leads them to try to keep the peace at any cost. However, when the pressure of these bottled up emotions becomes too great they may explode in anger and often use alcohol or drugs as a way of cutting themselves off from their unexpressed inner worries. Other indications for this remedy are restlessness and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace. Bach Group - Oversensitivity Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Aspen – Bach Flower Remedies 10 ml
Bach Flower RemediesKey Word - Feeling Safe Aspen helps those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason. This can take the form of vague but potent apprehension of some unknown future event or an uneasy ‘spooked out’ feeling in the dark or in strange places. The creepy, shivery feeling that is sometimes described as ‘someone just walked over my grave’ expresses the Aspen fear of the spirit / psychic realms very well. Shaking, trembling, or vague fluttering feelings in the tummy together with coldness, paleness & nightmares are all indications of the need for Aspen. Bach Group - Fear Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Beech – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKey Word - Tolerance Beech helps those who need to establish a more loving, lenient and flexible relationship with themselves and with those around them. Criticism, judgement and intolerance are very common personality traits in today’s world where they are often seen as acceptable ways of instilling discipline in children as they grow up. However when these traits are not balanced with enough love the result is an individual who is constantly critical, intolerant and judgemental of themselves and others. Being easily irritated by others habits, having a very fixed outlook on life or so sensitive to criticism from others that it is difficult to benefit from life’s lessons, are all indications of the need for this remedy. Bach Group - Overcare & Concern Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Century – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKey Word - Self Determination Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say ‘no’ and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities. As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being ‘a doormat for others’. Bach Group - Oversensitivity Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Cerato – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Trust Cerato restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. Those in need of Cerato have difficulty trusting in their own intuition or ‘inner voice’. They appear to have an air of uncertainty around them and tend to seek the opinions of others when faced with decisions in their lives, rather than trust their own judgement. Even when they have consulted with friends & colleagues they will still have great difficulty making a firm choice of direction causing themselves much confusion. The statement ‘I don’t know’ can often be heard from the lips of those in the negative Cerato state. Cerato helps to create a bridge between the personality and the Soul restoring the ability to know and trust one’s own innate inner wisdom. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Cherry Plum – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Rationality & calmness Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears. Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace. Bach Group - Fear Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Chestnut Bud – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Learning from experience Chestnut Bud helps those who need to focus more fully on their current life experiences in order to move forward. Those in need of Chestnut Bud appear to repeat the same old life situations over & over again, seemingly unable to assimilate the lesson in the experience that would allow them to move on. An example might be someone who finds themselves in a cycle of destructive relationships but cannot seem to make the inner changes that would allow them to disentangle themselves. Chestnut Bud is a generally helpful remedy for anyone who finds it difficult to take in information in any form. Bach Group - Lack of Interest Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Chicory – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Unattached Love Chicory helps to restore the principles of unattached and selfless love. Those in need of Chicory tend to be possessive of those they care about, wanting to keep them nearby to cling onto and to love. They can appear to be emotionally needy, manipulative, excessively interfering or easily fall into self-pity and resentment if their efforts at ‘helping’ others are not appreciated. Behind the negative chicory state lays an inner emptiness and feeling of being unwanted or unloved that unconsciously drives the personality to use these rather selfish and manipulative ways to get its needs met. Chicory helps to dissolve these personality traits and to promote the more balanced energy of the ‘universal mother’ who gives her love unconditionally, knowing that love is everlastingly abundant. Bach Group - Overcare & Concern Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Clematis – Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Being in the here & now Clematis helps those who all too easily drift off into daydreams and fantasies about the future feeling that life will be better there, than it currently is. People in need of this remedy seem to be generally inattentive or sleepy and might complain of forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. They often have cold feet and hands, and often need lots of sleep. Their lack of desire to be fully present means that they have their ‘head in the clouds’ most of the time and are generally ungrounded which makes them prone to appearing clumsy or accident-prone. Psychics and those working a lot in their imagination like artists and writers often need the ‘reality check’ that this remedy brings. Bach Group - Lack of Interest Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Crab Apple – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Purity Crab Apple aids purification at all levels. Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behaviour of any sort. Crab Apple can usefully be applied to the skin as a lotion in a little water or added to a bath (10-12 drops), in addition to being ingested. Bach Group - Despair & Despondency Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Elm – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Balanced Responsibility Elm helps those normally very capable people, perhaps with responsible jobs, large families or dependants to care for who suddenly find themselves feeling overburdened, overwhelmed and uncharacteristically unable to cope with their responsibilities. ‘The last straw that broke the camels back’ sums up the negative state of this remedy very well. Taken short term Elm will very quickly help to restore the strength of mind and ability to cope. Taken more long term it will help the Elm personality to determine which responsibilities are truly their own and to balance these with the need for personal nurturing. Bach Group - Despair & Despondency Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Gentian – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Faith Gentian is the remedy for those who need help to restore the soul qualities of trust and faith at a personality level. Those who need this remedy are uncertain about their relationship with their Creator and find it difficult to see themselves as part of a greater whole in which all is ordered according to a higher plan. They are easily discouraged by even small setbacks in life and can appear pessimistic and cynical because they find it very difficult to see a positive resolution to any problem. The phrase ‘doubting Thomas’ sums up the negative Gentian state very well. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Gorse – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesHope Gorse is the remedy for those who suffer great uncertainty in the process of life, causing them to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. This is a state sometimes found in those with a long-term illness who have lost all hope of recovery or in those whose experiences have caused them to view life ‘as a lost cause’. When this state is very deep rooted a person may have dark rings under the eyes or be prone to sigh a lot. Taken over a period of time Gorse will help to dispel these dark feelings and promote new hope and vision for the future. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Heather – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Empathy for others Heather is the remedy for those whose inner sense of isolation and loneliness manifests as a compulsive need to talk about themselves to anyone and everyone - even a complete stranger. When in an acute state, those in need of this remedy appear to have their thoughts entirely focussed on themselves and can cause unsuspecting listeners to feel as though they are unable to escape by the very force of their conversation. They make very poor listeners and sadly can drive people away by the very strength of their own neediness. Heather will help to relieve this state so that they are more in touch with the need to give as well as receive. Bach Group - Loneliness Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Holly – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Unconditional Love Dr Bach says of Holly that it; ‘opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love’. Unconditional, Divine Love is the highest form of love and one that is present within the heart chakra of every human being. However when this love is not recognised and nurtured the heart chakra gradually closes down and defence patterns of the personality such as anger, revenge, jealousy & hatred take root. Those in this state can also appear to be suspicious, distrustful or supersensitive to real or imagined slights. The powerful energy of the Holly remedy floods the heart chakra with the vibrations of Divine, unconditional love helping to transmute and transform these negative states. Bach Group - Oversensitivity Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Honeysuckle – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Letting Go Honeysuckle helps those who are unable to let go of the past in some way. Those in need of this remedy are often locked into past happier times which they feel can never return, leaving them with feelings of nostalgia, sadness or regret. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing difficulty with homesickness, bereavement, divorce, or unaccepted change of all kinds. Honeysuckle helps to dissolve these difficult feelings bringing greater acceptance of the past and hope for the future. Honeysuckle, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut used in combination are a particularly valuable support for anyone coming to terms with loss of any kind. Bach Group - Lack of Interest Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Hornbeam – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Mental Vitality Hornbeam helps those who feel that they lack the mental strength to carry out the everyday tasks of their lives. Those in need of this remedy often experience a state of procrastination brought on by a kind of mental weariness or staleness. They feel tired even after a good nights sleep and find it very difficult to get going in the morning, maybe needing several cups of coffee in order to be ready to face the day. However once they eventually do get going they usually discover that they are perfectly capable of completing their day’s work. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Impatiens – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Patience Impatiens helps those who are driven by an inner sense of urgency, a feeling that they need to get things done ‘yesterday’. Those in need of Impatiens can become very impatient and irritable with others who are naturally slower than they are, a state that often creates inner discomfort and tightness. They usually prefer to do things by themselves because it is; ‘quicker to do it myself’. The Impatiens personality does not wait for long for anything, even to the point of finishing others sentences and can easily flare up in anger if pushed, although this will normally be quickly over and forgotten. They are very independent minded and can become isolated and unable to connect with others in the extreme state. Bach Group - Loneliness Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Larch – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesConfidence Larch helps to restore confidence in one’s own abilities. Those in need of Larch have such an in built unconscious certainty of failure that they never attempt new things in life and so never discover their true potential. They automatically feel inferior to others and will stand back, allowing those that they feel are better able than themselves to take up life’s opportunities. Larch helps to remind those with these traits that deep down they do have the ability and restores their confidence to live life to the full. Bach Group - Despondency & Despair Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Mimulus – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Courage Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life. Bach Group - Fear Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Mustard – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Joy Mustard helps those who from time to time experience a black cloud of gloom that comes and goes for no reason that is obvious. Those in this state feel despairing and unable to cover over how they feel. They withdraw into themselves, feeling separate and isolated from the rest of the world. Mustard helps to dispel the blackness, bringing back light and joy. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Oak – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Strength & endurance Oak helps those who need help to restore the qualities of strength and endurance. Those in need of Oak tend to struggle on enduring all things long after others would have given up. They possess great strength and courage and like the mighty Oak tree itself often provide shelter and nourishment for others. However this is often done at great cost to themselves and can lead to the despairing feeling of being suddenly and completely lacking in the strength to carry on. Often a great weariness comes over them. Taken short term Oak will help to restore strength and fortitude so that they can carry on. Taken more long term it will help the Oak personality to find new balance so that they learn to conserve some energy and reserves for themselves. Bach Group - Despondency & Despair Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Olive – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Physical vitality Olive helps those who feel that their reserves of energy are completely depleted and that they have nothing left to carry on with. This could be at any level. In the acute state those in need of Olive often complain of being too tired to do another thing or feeling completely washed out. This is usually the result of situations where a great deal of energy has been used up - over working, a hard spell of digging in the garden or exhaustion related to a long term illness are all situations that can be helped with Olive. Bach Group - Uncertainty Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60 -
Pine – Bach Flower Remedies 10ml
Bach Flower RemediesKeyword - Positive self-value Pine helps to restore a positive sense of inner self-value or self worth. Those in need of Pine suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame or self reproach and will often take responsibility for, or even apologize for, something that has nothing to do with them at all. They are never truly satisfied with themselves and tend to feel that others are better than they are. It is difficult for those in this state to find any real sense of achievement or joy in life. Bach Group - Despair & Despondency Dosage instructions: a dosage of 4 drops on the tongue 8x a day for chronic states and every 30-60 minutes for acute states, reverting to the normal dosage when more balance has returned. Take your chosen Bach Flower Remedies for two - four weeks before reviewing how you feel. After this time you may find that you need to change some of your original choices or that you need to continue with the same ones for longer. Working in this way over a period of six months or so you will find that there has been a subtle but definite shift in the way you perceive your world.£3.60