Centaurium (Centaury)
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Centaurium (Centaury)


Fresh extract of Centaurium umbellatum

Centaurium is well known to herbalists as a ‘stomach bitter’ – one of the classes of herbs with bitter taste and used to aid digestion. For these herbs, it is important to taste the bitterness – and because of this, it is better to use herbs such as Centaurium as a tincture taken 5 minutes before meals.

Dosage :Adults: 10 – 15 drops 3 times daily beforre meals, in a little water.

Children (2-12 years): 1 drop per year of age twice daily in a little water.

Do not exceed stated recommended daily dose.

Please seek medical advice if pregnant.

Keep out of reach and sight of children.

Ingredients:Tincture of organically grown fresh aerial parts of Centaurium umbellatum (Centaury), extracted in alcohol (66%V/V)

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